Knox County Phase IIIC

Carter High School

Carter High School is a 200,000 sq ft high school in Knox County Tennessee. We reduced their energy consumption by 27,8350.27 kwh and kept their payback under 6 years while maintaining IES lighting standards. We used 21w LED lamps in their auditorium and had over 2,000 ECM.
Carter HS Hallway After

Carter HS Guidance Office Before
Carter Guidance Office After

Cedar Bluff Elementary School

Cedar Bluff Elementary School is in Knoxville TN. Their gym had 400w metal halides. The light levels varied between 35 and 65 foot candles. We replaced the HID fixtures with 6 lamp high bay fixtures.

Cedar Bluff ES Gym Before 2
Cedar Bluff ES Gym Before
Cedar Bluff ES Gym After 2
Cedar Bluff ES Gym After

Posted in Projects