Kinston, NC
LED lighting was used extensively on this project and most of the exterior lighting (wallpacks and pole lighting) was retrofitted with LED fixtures.
Existing lighting was a mixture of 250w and 400w metal halide shoeboxes and floods, mostly on 30’ poles. There were 12 parking lots of various sizes. It was decided to standardize on one size for all fixtures. By tilting fixtures up or down they could be used as either area lighting or floodlighting. Existing light levels ranged from 1-5 footcandles. After completion, the levels ranged from 2-5 footcandles.
Replacement Fixtures: Cree “Edge” Shoebox, 92w each.
Warranty: 10 years
48-250w mh @ 295w each = 14160w
95-400w mh @ 465w each = 44175w
Replaced with:
143-92w LED @ 92w each = 13156w
Energy Savings: 45178w
Energy Rate: $.08/kwh
Annual burn hours: 4368
Annual savings: 197342kwh $15,787
Cost: each with labor, matls: $805
Total cost: $115,115
Simple Payback: 7.29 years